It has been too long! I have been working three jobs, so my blog has been suffering. However, I do have time to give a quick update.
I harvested the first plants of the season! Lettuce and kale. Some of the leaves look like they have been munched on by something (snails?). |
The beets and radishes are coming up!!! |
One of my three pea plants died, but the other two are going strong. Peas are more frost tolerant than I originally suspected. Lets just hope that these last couple of cold nights hasn't stunted the peas. I have a healthy pea plant growing inside to replace the dead one. |
Here is my lettuce, kale, and spinach! The lettuce wasn't quite ready for harvest. |
Here are some more of the same mushrooms. These mushrooms are common in horse manure, which is the dominant composition of my garden. |
I attempted to grow squash next to my greens, but a frost destroyed them all. However, some parsley might be coming up (either that or weeds). So far, the horse manure hasn't had many weeds. |
Brooke is growing an herb garden. In the round pots (counterclockwise starting in the foreground) is cilantro, oregano, and basil. She also bought some basil and mint seedlings on sale at Whole Foods. Supposedly, the mint grows like a weed, and can easily take over a space. |
My harvest of greens! |
Inside, I am growing eggplant (foreground), peppers, lavender, and tomatoes. |
The tomatoes are having a hard time getting enough water. |
The eggplants are looking healthy. |
A couple of my pepper seedlings are also doing well. |
I am also growing two varieties of cucumber. The seedlings are looking healthy. |
The vine is my remaining pea plant. I also have tomatoes in this picture. |
So....that is it for the garden update. I promise not to keep you hanging much longer. I will finish one of my jobs in late June, but I will update before then.
I hope to talk about mushroom cultivation, jumpstarting a compost pile, working with concrete, and other fun garden-esk topics.
nice job! i just planted my peas, kale, spinach, chard, and onions. I also have about 30 tomato starts from seed i collected 2 years ago so if you want any tomato's let me know.