Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vacation's OVER! Plants are HUGE!!!


I'm sure all of you are anxious to see the progress of my first honest attempt to grow plants!  If not, that is ok.

No, these are not my plants.

But these are:

My window is slowly turning into a jungle.  The beans are above the top of the window and the tomatoes are almost two feet tall.

The tomato plants have little flowers growing on them.

The cucumbers are growing and continue to make little  flowers.
We have been harvesting basil leaves for various recipes. Our basil plants are super tall.


There are several small "volunteers" popping up all over our garden.

Plant with weird leaves.

The garlic has sprouted.

Spinach and garlic

Another interesting volunteer.


A couple of the beets survived!!

More to come soon....
eventually I will add more useful information.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Gardening



Something is taking bites out of our spinach plants.

Our onions seem to be doing well.

The chard is looking good.

These little seedlings are popping up in a place where I did not plant anything.  They might be weeds or volunteer plants.

This is another mystery seedling.  I have been giving it water to see what it develops into.


The tomato and basil plants are over a foot tall now.

The cucumbers are hanging in there.

The onion, basil, and tomato plants.

The pole beans.


I have noticed several small gnats flying around my indoor plants.  After a little searching, I determined that these are fungus gnats.  I plan to use GNATROL, a natural soil bacteria which kills gnat larvae, to help remediate the gnat issue.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pole Beans

Our pole beans are doing very well indoors, so I decided to plant these instead of our slow growing peppers.  I planed all four plants we stared in one of the tall containers.   For the outdoor garden beans, we will sow the seeds later this season directly in the garden.

Pole beans in center of the photograph.  I strung ten hemp strings from a hook in the top of the window pane for the beans to climb up.  So far, the leaders from the bean plants are more than halfway to the top of the window!

Three of the four containers.

My cruddy-looking cucumber plants.  I am pretty sure that their sickly condition is likely the artifact of the non-potting soil that I used.  It may also be bad seed stock, which I hear is common with cucumbers.  Hopefully they will hang in there.

My two containerized tomato plants have stakes now.  I will probably put some strings on these containers,  like I did for the cucumbers and pole beans, once the plants in them get big enough.  There are also three basil plants and one onion plant in these containers.